Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Test of 1210 coming by 12/10

The SP500 should test 1210 as early as tomorrow given the nature of today's reversal. That should be the biggest downside i see for a while, as the Santa Rally will cream all the shorts and doom and gloomers into the end of December. For now, its a test of 1210 then sideways action in the 1225-1220 range for much of the week. Next Tuesday, Fed Day, will give this market the fuel to push higher to 1250.

I will be looking to get long on friday and will load up many speculative plays.

Lookn to Buy FXE, Line, Pal, and Ree December Call Options.

The money printing wont stop stop and the dollar will be sacrificed.

CIAO CIAO DOLLAR... You've been sacrificed

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