Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Bounce Back Coming S&P 1350 (2nd Trade)

After sideways action followed by a selloff today, the market looks ripe for an in your face fuck the shorts rally. And that's what i only expect.

Molycorp worked out great, but this time I will give your more options.

Pick #1

EEE (Clean Coal Play)

After hanging in the doldrums, some life has entered it recently. With Oil staying above $100, and i believe it will stay above it for the next two months. Alternative energy plays should gain traction.

Play EEE Call Options by buying the June $4 calls for .20 .. It gives you ample time and for such a cheap amount to maybe see a serious return.

Pick #2


Crack spreads are taking out new highs.
I bought the stock today and expect it to hit $25 soon

Pick #3


Nice size short interest. Could see it take out its recent highs

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen to that - I'm ready for the fuck the shorts rally - I like how ROYL was down a bit today but than it came back strong - I can hear the thunder of a big comeback rumbling in the faraway hills...