Monday, March 9, 2015


The idea of cycles of prosperity and cycles of suffering is nothing new. The bible tells of the story of Pharaoh's dream, which Joseph interpreted as 7 yrs of feast and 7 years of famine. Even back then they acknowledged a pattern or cycle to matters. It is also evident that nature moves in cycles. The earth spins around once a day, while circling the sun once a year. Because of this we have seasons, which determines when Plants and Animals are born, grow and die. Other cycles govern when markets, societies and civilizations peak and decline i.e (K wave).

I also want to add that Circles are a form of cycles. When you run around the track, you make a full circle or when the hamster goes around his wheel, once around is called a full revolution. Its a cycle, there's a starting point and ending point.

With regards to Circles, you have one of nature's most amazing ratios besides Fibonacci, Pi explains the  relation of a Circle's circumference to it's diameter. It's a mathematical constant. Circles are everywhere=Pi is everywhere. The disk of the Sun. The spiral of DNA Double Helix. Pupil of the eye. Also in Physics, Pi describes waves of light/sound.

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